Poster of Questo piccolo grande amore

Questo piccolo grande amore

From the album of the same name by Claudio Baglioni the film tells the love story of two teenagers during the legendary seventies. A story so overwhelming as to compel the world to retreat, to step aside. Andrea and Giulia come from two different worlds, have different friends, and two different lives who call them strongly in opposite directions. Will they keep their love alive in spite of everything?


Cast and Crew

Questo piccolo grande amore

From the album of the same name by Claudio Baglioni the film tells the love story of two teenagers during the legendary seventies. A story so overwhelming as to compel the world to retreat, to step aside. Andrea and Giulia come from two different worlds, have different friends, and two different lives who call them strongly in opposite directions. Will they keep their love alive in spite of everything?

Orignal Language



1 hr 50 min





Release Data


Produced By

11 Marzo Film, Medusa Film, Aurora Film

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